Having a baby is one of the most exciting - and sometimes stressful - things we can do, and if you are getting ready to welcome a new baby or are planning a pregnancy then the chances are you have been scrolling the web for information on all things baby. Things can be especially complicated for first time parents, and it can be extremely difficult to know where to start.

There are a seemingly endless number of things you need to consider, plan for and buy in preparation for the arrival of your little one, and this can make the process feel more stressful than it should. If you are expecting the arrival of your baby in the coming months and have struggled to find out what you will actually need in advance of the birth date then this article is for you.

Layette checklist

A layette is essentially a collection of baby must-haves for your newborn in terms of clothing, bedding and accessories. It might be tempting to splash out on lots of clothing for your little one, especially because everything is so darn adorable, but keep in mind that you’ll more than likely receive lots of clothing and accessories as gifts. This can mean you end up with lots of stuff that’s perfect for your baby’s first weeks and months, and then have nothing to use for when they’ve grown a little.

A layette is a collection of essentials for your newborn that should include the very basics and a few extra bits. Below is a list of the kinds of things you should include in your layette to cover your baby with all the essentials at 0 - 3 months of age:

Transport gear

Getting around with your baby in Singapore can be a challenge with all the bustling city streets and tight spaces so you need to choose the right travel gear to get from A to B with your little one. The Babyzen Yoyo can be used from birth depending on the configuration you have selected, making it an excellent choice for parents in Singapore. Pair it with the compatible bassinet for your newborn or the newborn pack, and then progress to the 6+ month pack that can be used until your child reaches 22kg in weight. If you tend to go by car a lot and are a car owner, invest in a car seat that you can leave in place. If you go by taxi a lot then you will probably want an age appropriate car seat that can double as a stroller by attaching it to a stroller base.

Feeding gear and accessories

Whether your little one will be breast or bottle fed there are some things you will need in this regard. Parents who are bottle feeding will need a good supply of bottles and teats, plus a way to sterilise them such as a cold water steriliser, a microwave steriliser or a steam steriliser. Even if you are planning to breastfeed your baby you will want to get at least some bottles and teats in case you need to express and store your milk, and may like to use a breast pump to help you express. As well as bottles, teats and sterilisation equipment you will also need some muslins to use while feeding your baby, and a comfortable chair or supportive cushion to keep you and your little one comfy while feeding.

These are just some of the most basic essentials you’ll want to buy in advance of your little one’s arrival. Once you have these covered you will be able to relax a little because you have all you need for those first weeks, though there will be other gear and accessories you’ll want to pick up along the way.
